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Getting to know doctoranytime patients

Who are doctoranytime patients?

We gathered insights about demographics of Doctoranytime patients. Determining the age categories of the users, we encountered that from 18 to 65+ we have patients from various age groups. Most populated range is between from 25 to 34 years old, whereas female users hold more than half of the whole compared to males.


Language orientation, on the other hand showed us that French speakers are %49 majority followed by Dutch by %37 and the least portion speaks English by %14. it shows the international side of our platform.,


Who they are searching for ?



We also defined the specialties which are under high demand from the patients all around Belgium. Within this traffic, General Practitioners lead the specialties followed by the popular fields such as Dermatology, Gynecology, Physiotherapy and Psychology.
Moreover, considerable portion of the patients make appointment for one more than specialties in the meantime. Patients also follow the referrals of the doctors to make other appointments in a different specialty.



What do our patients value ?


With an overview of the statistics, we determined what Doctoranytime patients value the most when making an appointment.

In figures, expertise and experience of the Doctor is the most important component for %48 of the patients. In the meantime, %34 of them value availability more and localization of the practitioners in Belgium takes the third place as priority of %18.

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