Guide BtoB: New practice on your account
1) Add a new practice from your account
When you want to add a new practice, you have to click on the “Practices” button on the general bar search.
You will arrive on the “Practices management” page. Then, just click on the red button “Add practice”.
Then, you arrive on the “add practice” page.
Just fill the needed information.
Don’t forget that when you fill or check the options, it will directly appear on your public profile (1).
You can filter by practice directly on your calendar.
You have also a legend with a colour code by practice which allows you to distinguish your appointments/ availabilities/ busy period…
2) Remove a new practice
In order to remove a practice, you need to go to the “practices management” page.
Then, just click on the red button “Delete” (1).
Finally, just validate your choice by clicking on “OK” (2).
3) Modify an existed practice
To Edit or modify an existed practice, you need to go also to the “practices management” page.
Then, just click on the “Edit” button.
You arrive on the “Edit your practice” page.
After having modify your information, just click on the “Save” red button.
Your modification will be directly upload on your public profile.
If you have any request, please feel free to ask our chat on your online agenda.
The Doctoranytime’s team.