Stop smoking for the new year!

The new year begins and this is time again to make good resolutions! Today, accompanies you in your wish to stop smoking!

1. Why do you need to stop smoking?

There are of course many reasons to stop smoking, because it is not only your health that is at stake, but also the health of those around you.

The immediate effects of stopping cigarettes are :

– on the cardiovascular system

-on the respiratory system

-on oncology morbidity

Financially: how much do I earn from quitting?

If we consider that a pack of cigarette is 6€:

I smoke 5 cigarettes a day I smoke 10 cigarettes a day I smoke 20 cigarettes a day
Stop for 1 year 547,5€  1095€  2190€ 
Stop for 10 years 5475€  10950€  21900€ 

Passive Smoking:

Because tobacco does not only concern the smoker, it also concerns his family, the world around him. Passive smoking aggravates existing pathologies if it does not create new ones such as lung cancer and heart disease. These risks increase with the duration and time of exposure of the non-smoker.

If you stop smoking, it is not only for you it is also for everybody!

2. How to stop smoking?

The most important thing is to find a suitable treatment! Each smoker is different in the face of his addiction both psychologically and physically. Do not hesitate to turn to the health professionals who will accompany you in this process.

The different choices available to you:

-> Nicotine substitutes: Allows a gradual reduction of physical dependence on nicotine. The doses will gradually decrease until the complete disappearance of the substitute. This solution can be found in different forms:

• Patch: apply on the skin

• Gum

• Tablets

• An inhaler

-> Medical treatments: Bupropion LP and varenicline avoid feeling the lack of tobacco. Available under prescription, they are not suitable for pregnant women and smokers under 18 years old.

Choices are numerous and solutions are not lacking to stop smoking, an accompaniment by a general practitioner or a pulmonologist will allow you to find the solution adapted to your needs.   


 Therapies:    Many specialties of therapists can intervene on the psychological dependence related to tobacco.

Psychologists, psychotherapists or hypnotherapists can help effectively to stop smoking. Here is a little overview of the current treatments:

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CBT):

“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a brief, scientifically validated therapy that aims to replace negative ideas and inappropriate behaviors with thoughts and reactions that are relevant to reality.”    It is thus a care that allows to modify the behavior of the patient through psychological substitution techniques.

If you want to find psychologist or psychotherapists click here:


Stopping smoking by hypnosis relies on the mechanism of suggestion and the concept of imprint. There is in each smoker a part that desires and  wants to get rid of tobacco one day. The therapist amplifies this part, however small it may be.

This method seems effective for quitting smoking, indeed hypnotherapy has a success rate of 72% one month after the session.

If you want to find an hypnotherapist you can check here :


With those information, you should be able to definitely stop smoking! If you want to know more, consult this website


And do not forget the hard part is deciding to stop!

wrote by Andréas B. from team