Modify my profile information
In your medical career, you can change several times your information in you medical profil : adress, phone number, medical care, …
- Click on « My profile »
2. On this page you can modify all your informations
3. Enter your Email adress
4. Enter your mobile phone
5. Fill in your spoken languages in order to inform your patients
6. You have to select your specialty
7. Select your practice(s), all your pratices will be referenced on the platform. You will have differents agendas for differents practices
8. Upload your profile photo. This photo will appear on your profile
9. Fill in your expertises in order to be well referenced and to inform the patients on what you do
10. Select a default practice which will appear in first on your profile
11) Fill in your expertise field
12) Fill in your specialities, thanks to that your patients may know if you can help them with their specific problems
13) You can add the link of your website in order to increase your SEO (natural referencing)
14) Fill in your personal message
15) You can add a message to the patient in order to inform them about any specificity
16) You can add your CV in order to inform your patient about your previous experiences
17) You can add special appointment information
All your informations will appear on this page : Informations about your practice, will appear your specialisation and expertise, also your personal message
4) All the different types of consultations and specialities will appear here
5) At the bottom of the page there is a specific place for your CV
6) Here is the place for the patient message