Seasonal depression during Christmas time

During Christmas holidays, many people feel sorrowful, pessimistic and unhappy. Some of them report having serious psychological distress, which cannot be always explained. Mental health specialists have classified the aforementioned feelings as seasonal affective disorder. More precisely, this condition is called ‘Christmas depression’ because it occurs during Christmas holidays. So, despite the fact that Christmas is a period of celebrations, some people are likely to feel sadness.
Firstly, there are various reasons why people get blue at Christmas. In fact, just because it is Christmas, it doesn’t mean that everyone has to pretend to be happy. In addition, Christmas holidays are associated with family reunions which are often the triggers of depression in cases of a death in the family or a divorce. The holiday season is also a good time to take stock and that’s why it is so stressful. Adults sometimes experience sadness due to external events, such as the fact that they do not share the same enthusiasm for Christmas and New Year’s Eve as their children.
So what should you do, if you’re among those who feel depressed during Christmas time? Well, first and foremost, you have to understand the underlying causes of depression. Another solution might be to meet up with other people to talk about it or share your ideas. It is, also, important to set realistic targets for the following year. If this does not work, do not hesitate to consult a mental health specialist.